UGI Wholesale is new business unit of United Group.

UGI Wholesale image
UGI quality image

About UGI


About UGI image

UGI Wholesale is new business unit of United Group dedicated to telecommunications wholesale activities across the United Group operations with the intention of becoming a market leader for wholesale services in the region.

UGI Wholesale is based in Greece and consolidating all wholesale activities into a single unit, covering data services, roaming & mobile services, and wholesale voice.

Based on broadest network coverage in each country of presence with strong backbone we are offering state of the art telecommunications services to all European HUBs partnering with major World and European players and OTT providers.



UGI quality image

Our service portfolio includes Voice&Roaming, High-speed transit bandwidth solutions, and data solutions for multinational customers (Ethernet, MPLS, SDWAN, DIA)

Services UGI image

The Group’s fiberoptic network extends thousands of kilometers.

It has access to a total market of more than 40 million people, has data center coverage, and its markets Greece and Bulgaria are positioned on the main route for traffic between Western Europe and the Middle East and Mediterranean.

“We are the only independent carrier in the region with such a footprint. As a company we are known for providing services of the highest quality to residential customers and businesses. Now we are expanding into wholesale to bring this same excellence”

Our offer


Offer UGI image

UGI wholesale is offering partners a single point of entry to all UGI telecommunications assets with a single agreement, superb services quality, and flexibility, with a single operations center monitoring services end to end.

Voice & Roaming

Backbone transport solutions

Local data solutions



UGI map



  • General Commercial Registry number (Greece):
  • 159208901000
  • Company’s Registered Seat:
  • 4 Atthidon str, P.C. 17671 Kallithea, Attica, Greece
  • Name and addresses of the Partner/shareholder:
  • Registered Seat:
  • 2, Rue Edward Steichen, L‐2540 Luxembourg
  • Manager/Director:
  • Paolo Ficini
  • Contact details: (+30) 211-1001150